Non-functional testing is a type of software testing that verifies the non-functional requirements of a software application. Non-functional requirements are the qualities of software that describe how well it performs, rather than what it does. Non-functional testing evaluates how well the application performs under a range of conditions such as stress, load, and usability.
Non-functional testing is essential for ensuring that an application meets the performance, security, and usability requirements expected by users. It helps to identify bottlenecks, inefficiencies, and other performance issues that could impact user satisfaction and business productivity.
The risks of not performing non-functional testing can be severe. For example, a system that is not tested for performance under high traffic conditions could crash, leading to downtime and loss of revenue. An application that is not tested for usability could lead to poor user experience and low user adoption, which could negatively impact the reputation of the application and the company.
Another significant risk of not performing non-functional testing is security vulnerabilities. An application that is not tested for security could have vulnerabilities that could be exploited by hackers or malicious users. This could lead to data breaches, financial loss, and damage to the company’s reputation.
In summary, non-functional testing is essential for ensuring that an application meets the performance, security, and usability requirements expected by users. The risks of not performing non-functional testing include poor user experience, system crashes, security vulnerabilities, and loss of revenue and reputation. It is crucial to incorporate non-functional testing into the software development life cycle to mitigate these risks and ensure the quality of the application.